Red Roses
Red Roses
Let them know how much you care with a classic bouquet of premium red roses with seasonal greenery, expertly arranged in a glass vase or delicately wrapped.
Please select your desired preferences from the options below.
Valentine’s Day
We recommend placing your order as soon as possible to avoid missing out. For guaranteed Valentine’s Day delivery, orders must be placed before 3pm on Thursday the 13th of February. We will also have plenty of grab & go bunches available in-store.
Valentine’s Day Delivery Information
Local deliveries will be made throughout the day between 8am - 7pm on Friday the 14th of February by our in-house courier. Orders outside of New Plymouth will be delivered via NZ Couriers. Unfortunately we can not guarantee specific delivery times however if you have a preference, please let us know in your order notes and we will do our best to make it happen.